Cozy features
The shortest way to describe the Cozy guitar would be to say it has one basic design, it comes in five different versions and it brings you endless possibilities. All versions share the same body shape and neck. The variations are in the bridge and pickup configurations.
The Cozy is a modern and very playable guitar with a serious vintage vibe. You can trace its design elements all the way back to 1960’s. Because of the endless nitro color combinations and various aging levels, each Cozy is a unique instrument. Its appearance will certainly remind you of an old guitar.
But when you pick it up you will notice that this is a very well-designed and built guitar. Designed with the player in mind. The Cozy has an ergonomically shaped off-set body that kinda wraps around your body. It has a double contoured heal to make the upper regions of the fretboard easy to reach. And although it has a fairly large body the guitar is light. Most versions stay well below 2900 grams.
On the neck you will find the same philosophy. A nice round C shape contour with a 10” radius that will suit most players. The neck is built from roasted quarter sawn maple for greater stability and a smoother feel. The neck has a 25 ¼ scale and a six on one side tuner layout.
We have kept the electronics simple, one volume, one tone and a three-way switch is all you need. When we combine these standard Cozy features with our various bridge and pickup configurations very different models appear.
The Cozy Story
A great guitar usually has a great story. A tale of its creation, of how it came to be. Of course, the story would not be complete without telling you about the players it has had. How they used it to sing their songs, took it on the road with them and created musical history. It should also have a story about its creator. And how he defied the odds, battled natures laws and physics just to transfer his vision to something tangible. Something we can see, hear, and touch. Something to long for, something to desire and maybe even fall in love with. This is that story about the Cozy.